Hey there, future Factorio overlord! Ready to take command of your own realm? Let's get you set up with the ultimate power: becoming a server administrator. It's like being handed the keys to the kingdom, and it's super easy!

First Steps to Royalty

Once you've got your server up and running, and it's churned out its first map, hit the pause button on it. This is your moment to step behind the curtain. Head over to the File Manager through the Main menu; think of it as your secret passage to the throne room.

Crafting Your Crown

Here's where you forge your scepter of power. Click "New file" to bring into existence the mighty scroll known as server-adminlist.json. This is no ordinary document; it's the list that will crown you ruler.

Naming the Royals

In this sacred text, inscribe your name, the one you'll be known by in the lands of multiplayer. But beware, this isn't necessarily the name your Steam subjects recognize you by, so double-check your royal title before the coronation.

Remember, the parchment is finicky and demands the JSON format. If you're feeling generous and wish to appoint fellow nobles, separate their names with a comma, like so: ["DukeJohn", "BaronJane"].

Sealing Your Fate

Once your decree is saved and the server's heart beats once more, step into your realm and whisper the ancient incantation /admins into the console. Behold as the names of the chosen ones materialize before you.

For those seeking to expand their council, remember, only a true monarch can knight another. Enter your domain, summon the console with the tilde (~) key, and bestow titles with /promote (NobleUsername).

Further Wisdom

Should you seek deeper knowledge or wish to consult the ancient tomes, the Official Factorio Wiki is your sage advisor.

Expanding the Court

Already wear the crown? To anoint others in-game, simply:

  • Venture into your server's lands.
  • Summon the console's power with the tilde (~) key.
  • Command /promote (TheirRoyalUsername) to elevate them to your council.

Should challenges arise on your quest for dominion, our guild of support wizards is but a scroll away at: Seek Assistance.

Embark on your reign, wise ruler, and may your factory empire thrive!

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